Countries of blondes

Within Europe, blonde hair is most commonly found in Scandinavia. Here, is where blonde hair is claimed to have originated from.

Usually, blonde hair is paired with blue eyes and very scarcely, brown eyes.
Light hair and light eyes came from around the Baltic sea.

Blonde hair is also common in Ireland, United kingdom, Norway, Sweden and Russia along with many other European countries all around the same area.

Countries that would not commonly have blonde hair are: India, Africa, China and Japan.
This is because within some of these countries, their hair is blonde when they are born but as they grow up their hair darkens. This is due to genes.

Blonde hair is most commonly found in pale skin children due to their skin pigmentation.

Blonde hair most often appears in Northern Europe.

The hair gene MC1R has around seven countries where it came from.
According to a study 8in japan, blonde hair has been around from 11,000 years which is in fact during the last ice age.

Thanks for reading, Ill be back with my next post "the Geography of blondes" and "how it forms" 



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